Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jesus, Truth or Myth?

According to Massey, a supreme Egyptologist, "one gathers up the courage to do these kind of studies and examine the evidence, or lack there of, in coming to the hard truths about Jesus of Nazareth". Massey is the one who relates the life of Horus which was circulating before the birth of Christ. According to him, if any copying occured by the writers of the Egyptian or Christian religion, it was the followeres of Jesus who incorporated into his biography the myths and legends of Horus, not vice-versa.

But our main focus in here is the parallel events of Jesus's life and Horus's life concerning about the "hidded years" in common between their lives. Horus was no history between the ages of 12 and 30 like Jesus also. HOW CAN THIS BE EXPLAINED?

Thy myth of the "Jesus Story" give us our answers. There is a silence in the life of Jesus that exists for 18 years.

It is written that Horus stayed with his mother until the age of 12. Between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Horus. Ironically Jesus stayed with his mother until 12 years of age and between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the book of Acts. At age thirty, Horus was baptized by Anup. At age thirty, Jesus was baptized by John. IS THIS COINCIDENCE?

It is taught of Horus that he was a child teacher in the temple and was baptized by “Anup the Baptizer” when he was thirty years old. Horus was also baptized by "Anup the Baptizer," who becomes "John the Baptist" in the New Testament (himself a personification of the constellation Aquarius (the water bearer).

Let us be fully aware that the story of Horus, a major Egyptian God, is told in the “Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever” over 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. When one begins to do a comparison between the life of Horus and the life of Jesus he quickly comes to a most startling revelation:the "Jesus story" in the Bible is a recycled version of the Horus story. The entire story of Jesus was plagiarized in bits and pieces, and sometimes blatantly intact, from ancient god/man mythology passed down by Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Persian cultures.

The Egyptian Horus myth mystical elements of annunciation, immaculate impregnation, birth, and adoration are similar to the mythical elements of the early life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.
When one looks into the religious doctrines of past cultures, it becomes plain to see that what we are forced to believe today is no different than the beliefs that came before it. In fact, in regards to Christianity and the Bible, it becomes even clearer how the story of Christ was nothing more than a rehash of much older religious traditions and beliefs that existed in the area.
The first Horus was the child, who always remained a child. In
Egypt the boy or girl wore the Horus-lock of childhood until twelve years of age. Thus childhood ended about the twelfth year. But although adultship was then entered upon the full adultship was not attained until thirty years of age as with the man so it is with the god, and the second Horus, the same god in his second character, is the Khemt or Khem-Horus, the typical adult of thirty years. The god up to twelve years was Horus the son of Isis, the mother's child. The virile Horus, the adult of thirty years, was representative of the Fatherhood, and this Horus is the anointed son of Osiris. WHAT HAS THIS TO DO IN JESUS STORY?

Thus from the time when the child-Christ was about twelve years of age until that of the typical hommefait of Egypt, which was the age assigned to Horus when he became the adult god, there is no history. This is in exact accordance with the Kamite allegory of the double Horus.And the mythos alone will account for the chasm which is wide and deep enough to engulf a supposed history of eighteen years. Childhood cannot be carried beyond the twelfth year, and the child-Horus always remained a child, just as the child-Christ does in Italy and in the German folk-tales. The mythical record, founded on nature, went no further, and there the history consequently halts within the prescribed limits, to rebegin with the anointed and regenerated Christ at the age of Khem-Horus, the adult of thirty year.


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